We are pleased to invite you to submit your contribution for publication in the upcoming issue of ‘BioQuest’ (https://www.cmerti.res.in/BioQuest.html). BioQuest is a scientific magazine cum news letter published by the Advanced Level Institutional Biotech Hub, CMER&TI, Lahdoigarh with the support (financial) from Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.
We strongly believe that your contribution will greatly enrich the content of the magazine. The first issue was released in July 2017. The magazine is featuring articles from Scientists, Academicians, Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Govt. officials, Research Scholars, Students in various disciplines of biotechnology and allied areas.
Articles, innovation, success stories, news items etc. are invited for the upcoming issue(s) of the magazine. General and research articles, research communications, correspondence including letters that are of general interest and technical comments (on articles published in scientific journals within the previous six months) will be considered for publication in the Magazine. Technical notes and news can cover important scientific events or any other news of interest. Research news, opinions, commentary, reviews etc are also published including write-up from the students in the Student’s Corner.
Special Section: There will be a special section on ‘Covid-19’ in the upcoming issue of ‘BioQuest’. Popular articles, news-updates, technical notes, case studies, correspondence and any such topics related to Covid-19 may be submitted for publication in the issue.
The contributions should be typed and double-spaced (Font size: 12 in Times New Roman. The research based articles should be ordered as follows: Title page, abstract, key words, text, acknowledgements, references, tables, figure legends. References should be in the following format.
- Lindley ST (2003) Estimation of population growth and extinction parameters from noisy data. Ecological Applications, 13: 806–813.
- Martin H, Li H (1994) The Archaean grey gnesisses and the genesis of continental crust. In: Archaean Crustal Evolution (ed. Condie, K. C.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 205–259.
Any interested individual or group can send their contributions to the Editor-in-Chief, BioQuest by email: bioquest.mag@gmail.com / mahanaba.csb@gov.in for consideration. Articles received from the authors will be reviewed and decision will be sent to the authors within 10 days. For any other details, please contact Editor in Chief.
Editor in Chief